Dealing with Dog Waste

Pet Waste Pollutes Waterways
Dog Poop Do Nots

Dog Waste Problem

  • Can have many adverse effects on the environment if left in our yards, forest areas and parks
  • It’s full of harmful bacteria and excess nutrients.
  • Besides being a neighborhood nuisance, dog waste can make people sick, especially children who are more likely to come into contact with it while enjoying the outdoors.
  • Dog waste left on lawns can also kill or damage grass and other plants.
  • When dog waste is washed into lakes or streams, the waste decays, consumes oxygen in the water, and sometimes releases ammonia. This process can kill fish!
  • Dog waste also contains nutrients that encourage weed and algae growth. Too much of these nutrients turn water cloudy and green . . . imagine this in your backyard pond or stream!

Dealing with Dog Waste

  • Always scoop your dog waste.
  • Use doggy bags to dispose of poop in trashcans. 
  • Install a Pet Waste Disposal System. Did you know you can get compostable bioderagable bags.  
  • Hire a service, yes they have that
  • DO NOT flush the poop you can spread cryptosporidium, they have flushable bags but that does not prevent polution to waterways