DRAFT - Spencer Housing Production Plan 2023

This document is a draft of the Town of Spencer Housing Production Plan, which will serve as a guide for providing more diverse and affordable housing options for the Spencer community. This Plan was made possible by valuable input from Spencer residents. To those who completed a survey, attended a community meeting, or both - thank you for your contribution. Your interest and commitment to the future of Spencer is greatly appreciated. 

The Spencer Housing Production Plan Committee and Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission are not seeking feedback from the public on this draft. Residents are encouraged to read through this document and email any comments or questions to Emily Glaubitz eglaubitz@cmrpc.org or deliver handwritten comments to the Town Planner's office at Town Hall. Please submit comments prior to Monday, February 13, 2023

A hard copy of this document is also available to read in Town Hall (Office of Development and Inspectional Services) and the Richard Sugden Library. The draft Housing Production Plan will be discussed at the Spencer Planning Board meeting on Thursday, February 21, 2023.