Meadow Road Improvements Project

Meadow Road Project Information Page
Meadow Road in Spencer is a critical regional transportation link between Route 9 and Route 31. Presently, Meadow Road is in very poor condition, with heavily cracked pavement and multiple patches and potholes. The Town is in the process of trying to initiate a MassDOT/FHWA funded Transportation Improvement (TIP) project to reconstruct and greatly improve the Meadow Road, including stormwater, drainage, transit, pedestrian, bicycle, pavement and other proposed corridor improvements. Reference the links at the bottom of this page for additional detailed information regarding the currently proposed Meadow Road project improvements.
Securing funding for the Meadow Road improvements under the MassDOT/FHWA funded TIP program is a long process, which can take 5-10 years or more. The U&F Office began the steps to obtain TIP program eligibility and funding in 2014 with the inception of the Route 31 Corridor Profile by CMRPC. The project was approved as a TIP eligible project by the MassDOT Project Review Committee (PRC) in late 2017. The next major steps for the project include: 1.) Central Massachusetts Metropolitan Planning Organization (CMMPO) review, approval and programming; and 2.) Town funding for survey, permitting and design for the project.  Our initial project presentations to the CMMPO for TIP programming consideration were in January 2018. Further MPO meetings in early 2018 will determine if the project gets programmed for 2023. Funding for the survey, permitting and design of the project will be provided by the FMPC Roads Improvement Project. Once TIP funding and programming has been approved by the CMMPO construction normally occurs within 5-7 years from that date.
Complete Streets Prioritization Plan: The Town of Spencer is undergoing a network of traffic improvements that coincide with the Complete Streets Prioritization Plan. Meadow Road is one the routes that heavily focuses on this plan. Assuming we are able to secure CMMPO/TIP funding to implement all of the proposed improvements, upon completion of this project, Meadow Road will become much more pedestrian, bicycle, transit and automobile friendly. Serving as a connection route between Route 9 and Route 31. See links below for more information regarding the proposed Meadow Road improvements and visit this link for more information about the Town of Spencer's Complete Streets Prioritization Plan.
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Last Updated: 6/25/2018